24 Des 2009


Pagi ini memang aQ berencana ke kampus sekitar jam 9nan.Yah, sebelumnya ngambil rapor adekQ dulu.....Meski hasil rapornya tak membuatQ puas...biarlah,nanti kalau q pulang, sgera di privat smua mapeL....hohoho....
Tak kuduga saat ku otw menuju kampus sekitar jam 10.00 dari kulon progo,,,dan sampai di pasar Godean kurasakan suasana jalan yang agak berbeda. Hawa-hawa ramai dan macet mulai terasa.dan ternyata firasatku benar. sepanjang jl.Godean mpe menthok dan berlanjut ke p3an jati kencana-per4anpingit-p4an tugu, gramedia-bundaran-per3an karangmalang.kalo normal Q 45 menit perjalanan, tapi tadi mencapai 65 menit.Huft, bener2 rekor...
ternyata, setelah dipikir-pikir penyebab hari ini jalan tambah macet adalah,,,,weekend-nan menjelang Natal dan tahun Baru,didukung hari ini sebagian sekolah membagi rapor pada para siswa.
dengan bersusah payah menyusup di antara mobil-mobil bermerk dan bersabar karena antrian kendaraan yang puanjang menjelang bangjo....akhirnya bisa juga nyampe kampus dengan selamat dan tak kurang suatu apapun...alhamdulillah....
tapi, perilaku pengendara yang tidak tertib berlalulintas juga merupakan salah satu pendukung faktor terjadi kemacetan di jogjakarta ini. Mereka(termasuk saya tentunya,hehehe...)tidak sabaran kalau tidak menyelib kendaraan lain, meski dengan melanggar marka jalan dan zig-zag....
seharusnya...pihak yang berwenang mengupayakan agar pengendara kendaraan bermotor bisa tertib berlalu lintas sehingga dapat mengurangi angka kecelakaan dan kemacetan....brati,,,polisi kudu menindak tegas pengendara yang tak tertib berlalu-lintas....
untuk menciptakan ketertiban berlalulintas memang dibutuhkan kerjasama semua pihak...Hidup indonesia jaya!!!!

30 Des 2008


Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning is a successful teaching strategy in which small teams, each with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject. Each member of a team is responsible not only for learning what is taught but also for helping teammates learn, thus creating an atmosphere of achievement. Students work through the assignment until all group members successfully understand and complete it.
Cooperative efforts result in participants striving for mutual benefit so that all group members:
• gain from each other's efforts. (Your success benefits me and my success benefits you.)
• recognize that all group members share a common fate. (We all sink or swim together here.)
• know that one's performance is mutually caused by oneself and one's team members. (We can not do it without you.)
• feel proud and jointly celebrate when a group member is recognized for achievement. (We all congratulate you on your accomplishment!).
Research has shown that cooperative learning techniques:
• promote student learning and academic achievement
• increase student retention
• enhance student satisfaction with their learning experience
• help students develop skills in oral communication
• develop students' social skills
• promote student self-esteem
• help to promote positive race relations

from http://edtech.kennesaw.edu/intech/cooperativelearning.htm

11 Des 2008

Tugas tentang dampak soal pilihan ganda terhadap siswa


Follow me, if student will be be given mathematics exercise shaped multiple choise will makes them don't think.Why? Because the true answer have of the available. The student just choice one of the answers. And probability to right is 25 % if available 4 alternative answer.

Student only will guess answer, without try to find appropriate answer, while diligent student of course try to find true answer.

Exercise only shaped multiple choice can not thoroughly to represent student ability. For example, teacher gives test shaped 10 number multiple choice exercises in the student. Student lazy thinks more opting gambling in answer the questions. Luck, the answer right all. While clever student obvious less careful in put answer in answer paper so that answer should correct be wrong flutter wrong admission filling in sheet answer. Really found factor “X” very influential and this matter not fair, I think. Opportunity to be able to plagiarism be easier moment exercise that given is multiple choice.

This differ from exercise form essay, unfortunately, inclined unwelcome a large part student. While, if we see the essence farther, exercise use essay inclined can make student more creative. they are more conditioned for free develop the idea self.

Actually, exercise with multiple choice type give easy of evaluation because teacher can correcting the answer of exercise the student faster.

Multiple choice led to instant culture. Only consider important result, not process. Whereas in mathematics subject that more important is process to produce something.

Nur Hera Utami

P-Matematika Regular 2007